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Author : Tjutkova, L.A.
Author 2 : Kaipova, G.O.
Year of publication : 1996
Title : Late Pliocene and Eopleistocene micromammal faunas of southeastern Kazakhstan.
Journal : Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia.
Vol/No/Pages/Plates : 39, 549-557.
Published in : Krakow


Allophaiomys deucalion - 554, fig. 4: 17-18. = Allophaiomys deucalion KRETZOI 1969
Allophaiomys deucalion - 554-557, fig. 4: 17-18, fig. 5: 13-19, fig. 6: 12-21. = Allophaiomys deucalion KRETZOI 1969
Clethrionomys mirus - 554-557, fig. 4: 19-20, fig. 5: 2-8, fig. 6: 2-11. = Clethrionomys mirus KOZHAMKULOVA et al. 1987
Mimomys haplodentatus - 554, fig. 4: 5-16 = Mimomys haplodentatus KOZHAMKULOVA et al. 1987
Prolagurus praepannonicus - 555, fig.5: 9-12. = Prolagurus ternopolitanus TOPACHEVSKY 1973

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Updated 20.04.2011 - © Alexey Tesakov.