Tesakov A.S. 2000. Some comments on small mammal fauna of Domashkinskie Vershiny (collection of L.P.Alexandrova, 1973). In: Yakhemovitch V.L., Yakovlev A.G. (Eds.): Domashkinskie Vershiny, reference section of Pliocene and Pleistocene. Gilem, Ufa. pp.70-71, 84.

Abstract. Domashkinsky beds contain remains of rhizodont voles Mimomys cf. praepliocaenicus. These forms can be tentatively correlated to voles of Upper Kujalnik of the Black Sea area (Middle Villafranchian, Late Villanyian, zone MN17). The fauna indicates Akchagylian age of the enclosing deposits. An incomplete specimen that was previously assigned to "Allophaiomys sp." actually belongs to the common vole, Microtus ex gr. arvalis. This remain is most probably subfossil and represents a contamination during sampling or recent rodent burrowing activity.
The section of Domashkinskie Vershiny cannot be used as the stratotype of Domaskinsky horizon of Eopleistocene. The horizon itself is invalid as a detailed stratigraphic unit of Eopleistocene.

Tesakov A.S. 2001. New data on Plio-Pleistocene jerboas of the genus Plioscirtopoda from Eastern Europe (Mammalia, Dipodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 9, 237-244.

Abstract. Remains of dipodine jerboas, Plioscirtopoda, are described from the late Pliocene deposits of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov region. Dental morphology of the type species, P.stepanovi, is refined. A more primitive form, P. novorossica sp.nov. is first described from the Late Kujalnik deposits of Kryzhanovka 3. The new species is distinct from the type form in simpler shape of anterior part of m1, larger dimensions and higher numbers of molar roots.

Baigusheva V.S., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S. 2001. The sequence of Plio-Pleistocene mammal faunas from the south Russian Plain (the Azov Region). Boll. Soc. Paleontol. Italiana, 40, 2, 133-138.

Abstract. The Azov Region and adjoining areas are reach in in sedimentary successions that have yielded remains of fossil mammals. These encompass the time span from Late Miocene trough late Pleistocene. The occurence of some Asian elements makes the peri-Azovian faunas somewhat peculiar compared to contemporary West European faunas. Within the succession of faunal complexes considered, the most striking faunal restructuring took place at the boundary of Early and Middle Pliocene, and in begining of the middle Pleistocene.

Pevzner M. A., Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S. 2001. Quaternary zonal subdivision of Eastern Europe based on vole evolution. Boll. Soc. Paleontol. Italiana, 2001, 40, 2, 269-274.

Abstract. A vole zonal scheme is proposed for the Quaternary of Eastern Europe. The scheme is based on the evolutionary appearance of forms in the Borsodia-Prolagurus-Lagurus, Mimomys-Arvicola, and Allophaiomys-Stenocranius lineages. Eleven range and concurrent range zones were distinguished (downward from MQR1 to MQR11). Zones MQR9, MQR7, MQR5, MQR3 each are subdivided into 2 subzones. The Psekups faunal assemblage corresponds to the MQR11 - MQR9 zones; the Taman� one to the MQR8 zone and the B subzone of the MQR7 zone; the Tiraspol� assemblage to the A subzone of the MQR7 zone and to MQR6 - MQR4 zones; the Singil complex to the MQR3 zone; and the Khazar and Mammoth assemblages to the MQR2 and MQR1 zones. The most detailed subdivisions, ranging from 30 to 70 thousand years, were developed for the middle Pleistocene.

Tesakov A.S., Averianov A.O. 2002. Prolagus (Lagomorpha, Prolagidae) from the Pliocene of Moldova and Ukraine. Paleonotological Journal, 36, 1, 80-86.

Abstract. Two species of the genus Prolagus, P. sorbinii Masini (Early Ruscinian) and P. bilobus Heller (Late Ruscinian) are determined from the Pliocene of Ukraine and Moldova for the first time. Prolagus fossils from the Upper Ruscinian of Moldova and Ukraine, which were previously referred to as Prolagus cf. oeningensis, are assigned to P. bilobus. In Eastern Europe, P. sorbinii became extinct and P. bilobus widely distributed at the boundary between the Early and Late Ruscinian.

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