Head of the Laboratory of
Stratigraphy, Geological
Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific field: Fossil small mammals and
Late Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene
continental biostratigraphy of Eastern Europe. Evolution of voles.
Russian version
1990-1992 | 1993
| 1994 | 1995
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2011 | 2012
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2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A.,
Tesakov A.S. 1990. Magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic researches in the
type area
of the Psekups faunistic complex. Bulluten Komissii po Izucheniyu
Perioda N 59, p. 81-93.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner
M.A., Tesakov A.S. 1990. Psekups faunistic complex. Bulletin of Natural History
Society of Moscow,
ser. geol., v. 65, N 3, p.134.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A., Tesakov
A.S. 1991. Position of the Taman faunistic complex within
stratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic
scales. Bulluten Komissii po Izucheniyu Chetvertichnogo Perioda, N 60, p. 41-52. Text.
- Tesakov A.S. 1991. First find of Mimomys pitymyoides (Mammalia,
in the territory of the USSR. Bulletin of Natural History Society of
div. geol., v. 66, N4, p.134.
- Tesakov
A.S., Alexeev A.S. 1992. Myriapod-like arthropodes in the lower Devonian of the
central Khazakhstan.
Paleontologicheskyi Zhurnal, N 3, 1992, p. 15-19. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Maschenko E.N. 1992. The first reliably identified macaque (Cercopythecidae,
Primates) from
the Pliocene of the Ukraine. Paleontologicheskyi Zhurnal, 26(4), 1992,
p. 55-61. Text.
- Tesakov A.S. 1993. Evolution of Borsodia (Arvicolidae,
Mammalia) in the
Villanyian and in the Early Biharian. Quaternary International, vol.
19, pp. 41-45. Abstract. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Gablina S.S., Simakova
A.N., Ratnikov V.Yu. 1993. Late Holocene locality of fauna and flora near Luchinskoe
village in
the Istra district of Moscow region. Bull. of Regional Interministry
Commission on Central and South of Russian Plain, 1993, N 2, pp. 174 -
- Tesakov
A.S., Maschenko E.N., Gablina
S.S., Fillipova N.Yu. 1993. On geology and biostratigraphy of the Sevsk Mammoth Site.
Bull. of
Regional Interministry Stratigraphic Commission on Central and South of
Russian Plain, N 2, pp. 173 - 174.
- Tesakov A.S. 1993. Small Mammals of the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene
from the South
of Eastern Europe. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation, vol.
1, N 3, 92-96. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. New data on geology and small mammals of the Kryzhanovka
section. Abstracts
of all-Russia Conference on Study of Quaternary, Moscow, 1994, p. 229.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A.,
Tesakov A.S. Changes of mammalian fauna and paleoclimate at the
boundary. Voprosy teriologii. Paleoteriologiya (Paleotheriology).
Nauka. 1994. pp. 262-267.
- Tesakov A.S. First find of Mimomys pitymyoides (Mammalia,
in the Northern Caucasus and its stratigraphic significance. Byull.
Izuch. Chetvert. Perioda, N 61, 1994, pp. 43-46. Text.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A.,
Tesakov A.S. Chronological relationships of Pliocene deposits in
fluviatile plains
between Prut and Southern Bug Rivers, Stratigraphy and Geological
1995, 3, N 1, pp. 54 - 64. Abstract. Text.
- Tesakov A.S. Evolution of small mammal communities from the south of
Eastern Europe
near the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia,
vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 121 - 127. Abstract.
- Pevzner M.A., Vangengeim E.A.,
Vislobokova I.A.,
Sotnikova M.V., Tesakov A.S. Ruscinian from the territory of the former Soviet Union.
Newsl. Stratigraphy,
1996, 33(2), pp. 77-97. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. Evolution of bank voles (Clethrionomys,
in late Pliocene and early Pleistocene of Eastern Europe. Acta
Cracoviensia, 1996, vol. 39, 1, pp. 541-547. Abstract.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A., Tesakov
A.S. Paleogeographic environment in the north-western margin of
the Black
Sea, in early Pliocene, Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation, 1996, v.4,
N2, pp. 106-109. Text.
- W. von
Tesakov A.S. The evolution of the schmelzmuster of Lagurini
Rodentia), Palaeontographica A, 1997, 245, 1-6, pp. 45-61. Abstract. Text.
- Averianov A.O., Tesakov A.S. Evolutionary trends in Mio-Pliocene Leporinae, based on Trischizolagus
(Mammalia, Lagomorpha). Palaeontologische
Zeitschrift, Bd. 71, Hf.
1/2. P.145-153, 1997. Abstract. Text.
- Tesakov A.S. Voles of the Tegelen fauna, Mededelingen Nederlands
Instituut voor
Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 60, 71-134, 1998. Abstract. Text.
- van Kolfschoten T. &
A.S. The early Pleistocene Mimomys hordijki
sp. nov. from the Zuurland
borehole (The Netherlands). Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor
Geowetenschappen TNO, 63, pp. 187-192. Abstract. Text.
- Kazantseva
& Tesakov A.S. Evolution of Plio-Pleistocene voles with the special
reference to to
demographic features of fossil assemblages.Mededelingen Nederlands
voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 60, 555-564, 1998. Text. Abstract.
- The Early Evolution of Microtus.
Eds. Robert Martin & Alexey
Tesakov. Paludicola (Scientific scontributions of the Rochester
of Vertebrate Paleontology) Spec.issue., vol.2, no.1, 1998.
- Martin R.A.& Tesakov A.S. Introductory remarks: Does Allophaiomys
exist? Paludicola, vol.2, no.1,
pp. 1-7, 1998. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. Early stage of Allophaiomys
evolution in eastern Europe. Paludicola,
vol.2, no.1, pp. 98-105, 1998. Abstract.
- Pevzner
M.A., Tesakov A.S., Vangengem E.A. The position of the Tizdar Locality (Taman Peninsula,
Russia) in the
magnetochronological scale. Paludicola, vol.2, no.1, pp. 95-97, 1998. Abstract.
- Abstracts at the All-Russia Quaternary Conference,
September, 1998.
- Tesakov A.S., Alekseev A.S. 1998. [Maldybulakia] A
new name for the genus Lophodesmus
Tesakov & Alekseev, 1992 (Arthropoda). Paleontological Journal.
32(1):104. Text.
- Averianov A.O., Tesakov A.S. A milk tooth of Pliocene otter. Lutreola, 1996, no.7,
pp.21-22, Moscow,
1998. Text.
- Averianov
A.O., Tesakov A.S. The Lagomorpha (Mammalia) from the Early Pliocene Kosyakino
of the Northern Caucasus.Paleontological Journal. 1998, no.3, pp.305. Abstract.
- Findings of the oldest rootless voles Allophaiomys
and Prolagurus in Eastern
Europe. Transactions (Doklady) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
/Earth Science Section, Vol. 366, No. 4, 1999, p. 452. (Tesakov, A. S.,
Vangengeim, E.A., Pevzner, M.A.) Abstract
[in Russian],
Text [in Russian]
- Tesakov A.S. Some comments on small mammal fauna of Domashkinskie
(collection of L.P.Alexandrova, 1973). In: Yakhemovitch V.L., Yakovlev
A.G. (Eds.): Domashkinskie Vershiny, reference section of Pliocene and
Pleistocene. Gilem, Ufa. pp.70-71, 84 (in Russian). Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. 2001. New data on Plio-Pleistocene jerboas of the genus Plioscirtopoda
from Eastern Europe (Mammalia, Dipodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 9,
237-244. Abstract. Text.
- Baigusheva V.S., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S. 2001. The sequence of Plio-Pleistocene mammal faunas from the
south Russian
Plain (the Azov Region). Boll. Soc. Paleontol. Italiana, v.40, 2,
pp.133-138. Abstract.
- Pevzner
M. A.,Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S. 2001. Quaternary zonal subdivision of Eastern Europe based on
vole evolution.
Boll. Soc. Paleontol. Italiana, v.40, n. 2, pp. 269-274. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim
E.A., Pevzner M.A. 2001. Position of reference mammal localities of the
Villafranchian in the magnetochronological time scale // Papers in
paleomammalogy honouring Prof.Dr. Oldrich Fejfar (Horacek I., Mlikovsky
eds.), Lynx (Praha) N.S., 32, pp. 363-369. Abstract
link Text.
- Pevzner M.A., Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S.
2001. The age of the Ruscinian
lower boundary // Papers in paleomammalogy honouring Prof.Dr. Oldrich
(Horacek I., Mlikovsky J., eds.), Lynx (Praha) N.S. 32, pp.
295-300. Abstract
link Text.
- Author's abridged version of Thesis Cand.Geol.-Min.Sci. Biostratigraphy
of Middle Pliocene - Eopleistocene of south part of Eastern Europe
(based on small mammals). (In Russian).
Text version
| Main correlation
- Tesakov A.S., Averianov A.O. Prolagus (Lagomorpha,
Prolagidae) from the Pliocene of Moldova and Ukraine. Paleonotological
Journal, v.36, n.1, 80-86. Abstract. Text.
- Nikolsky P.A.,
Tesakov A.S. 2003. Sarkel, a new locality of Tamanian theriofauna in the lower
Don River area. In: Theriofauna of Russia and adjacent areas. VII
Congress of the Theriological Society. Volume of abstracts. p.236,
Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V. 2003. New Late Miocene theriofauna from the Morskaya 2 locality.
In: Theriofauna of Russia and adjacent areas. VII Congress of the
Theriological Society. Volume of abstracts. p.347-348, Severtsov
Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Dodonov A.E.,
Titov V.V., Trubikhin V.M. 2003. Geological settings of small mammal faunas in the east of
the Sea of Azov. In: Dodonov A.E. , Velichko A.A. (Eds.), Loess and
Paleoenvironment, 60-61; Moscow (Geos). Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. 2003. Early evolutionary stages of pytimyoid mimomyine voles (Pitymimomys,
Arvicolinae, Cricetidae) from Early Villanyian of Eastern
Europe. Coloquios de Paleontologia. vol.ext. 1, 659-668. Abstract. Text.
- Lopatin A.V., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V. 2003. Late Miocene - early Pliocene porcupines (Rodentia,
Hystricidae) from south European Russia. Russian Journal of Theriology,
vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 26-32. Abstract. Text
- Tesakov A.S. 2003. Red-backed voles (Clethrionomys)
Plio-Pleistocene of Europe. In: Averianov, A.O. & Abramson,
Natalia [Eds.]: Systematics, phylogeny and paleontology of small
mammals. 209-210. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. 2004. Biostratigraphy of Middle Pliocene -- Eopleistocene of
Eastern Europe (based on small mammals). Moscow: Nauka, 247 p. Abstract. Text. View.
- Tesakov A.S. 2004. Early Pliocene arvicolid faunas from Eastern Europe. In:
L.C., Kahlke, R.-D. (Eds.), 18th International Senckenberg
Conference, VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in
Weimar—‘‘Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution:
Regional developments and interregional correlations’’. Weimar
(Germany), 25th–30th April, 2004. Conference Volume.
Terra Nostra 2004 (2), p. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim E.A.,
Pevzner M.A. 2004. Zonal subdivision of continental deposits of Middle-Late
Pliocene of East Europe (based on small mammals). In: Maul,
L.C., Kahlke, R.-D. (Eds.), 18th International Senckenberg
Conference, VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in
Weimar—‘‘Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution:
Regional developments and interregional correlations’’. Weimar
(Germany), 25th–30th April, 2004. Conference Volume.
Terra Nostra, 2, p. Abstract.
- Kirillova I.V., Tesakov A.S. 2004. Water vole (Arvicola, Arvicolinae,
Rodentia) from the Khazar deposits of the Lower Volga. In: Ecology of
Anthropogene and Contemporaneity: Nature and Man. S.Petersburg,
Humanistica. 138-139. Text.
- Lopatin A.V., Tesakov A.S. The fossil shrew Cretasorex
arkhangelskyi Nessov et
Gureev, 1981 from Uzbekistan - the systematic
position among
Soricidae, taxonomic status and geological age. Russian Journal of
Theriology, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 5-8. Abstract. Text.
- Kuznetsova T.V., Tesakov A.S. 2004. New data on Pleistocene fauna of small mammals from the
northeastern coast of the Laptev Sea (Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island and
Bykovsky Peninsula). In: Nikolsky P.A. & Pitulko V.V. (eds.)
Natural history of the Russian East Arctics in Pleistocene and
Holocene. Moscow: Geos, pp. 27-31. Abstract. Text.
- Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner
M.A., Tesakov A.S. 2005. Ruscinian and Lower Villafranchian: age of
boundaries and
position in magnetochronological scale. Stratigraphy. Geological
Correlation, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 530-546. Text.
- Величко А.А., Морозова Т.Д., Борисова О.К., Тимирева
С.Н., Семенов В.В., Кононов Ю.М., Титов В.В., Тесаков А.С.,
Константинов Е.А., Курбанов Р.Н. Становление зоны степей юга России (по
материалам строения лессово-почвенной формации Доно-Азовского региона)
// Доклады академии наук, 2012. Т. 445. № 4. С. 464–467. Abstract. Text.
- Tesakov
A.S., Pismenskaya G.A. Recent data on fossil mammals from Upper
Pliocene deposits
of the eastern Stavropol Region. In: Podobina V.M. (ed.) Evlution of
life on the Earth. Tomsk: Tomsk State University, 309-314. Abstract. Text.
- Tesakov A.S. 2005. Pliocene voles (Pliomys, Arvicolinae, Rodentia)
from Odessa Catacombs. Russian Journal of Theriology, vol. 4, no. 2,
pp. 123-135. Abstract. Text.
- The Sevsk woolly mammoth (Mammuthus
site in Russia: Taphonomic, biological and behavioral interpretations.
Quaternary International, vols. 142-143, pp. 147-165. (Maschenko E.N.,
Gablina S.S., Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N.) Abstract.
- The first record of Late Miocene bat from European Russia.
Acta zoologica cracoviensia, vol. 49A, nos. 1-2, pp. 125-133.
(Rossina V.V., Kruskop S.V., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V.) Abstract. Text.
- Early Middle Pleistocene red-backed voles (Clethrionomys)
from Kozi Grzbiet (Poland) and their significance for the
reconstruction of the phylogeny of European bank voles. In: Alexeeva
N.V, Erbajeva M.A., Mironov N.G. (Eds.) Stratigraphy, paleontology and
paleoenvironment of Pliocene-Pleistocene of Transbaikalia and
interregional correlations. Abstracts. Ulan-Ude, p.89 (Tesakov A.S.,
Nadachowski A.)
- Late Miocene and Pliocene large land mammals and climatic
changes in Eurasia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,
vol. 238, pp. 219-227. (Fortelius M., Eronen J., Liu L., Pushkina D.,
Tesakov A., Vislobokova I., Zhang Z.Q.)
- First Representative Vertebrate Fauna of Late Miocene in
the South of the European Russia. Doklady Biological Sciences. vol.
411, no. 5, pp. 508-509. (Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S., Danilov I.G.,
Danukalova G.A., Maschenko E.N., Panteleev A.V., Sotnikova M.V.,
Sychevskaya E.K.)
- New form of rhizodont voles (Rodentia, Arvicolinae,
Clethrionomyini) from Pleistocene of Central Altai (Russia). Russian
Journal of Theriology, 5 (2), 79-83 (Serdyuk, N.V. & Tesakov,
- Age of the Vallesian Lower Boundary (Continental Miocene of
Europe). Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. vol. 14, no. 6, 655-667
(Vangengeim E.A., Lungu A.N., Tesakov A.S.) Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Dodonov A.E., Titov V.V.,
Trubikhin V.M. Plio-Pleistocene geological record and small mammal faunas,
eastern shore of the Azov Sea, Southern European Russia. Quaternary
International. 160, 1, 57-69. Abstract. Text.
- Dodonov A.E.,
Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V.,
Inozemtsev S.A., Simakova A.N., Nikolsky P.A., Trubikhin V.M. New data on the stratigraphy of Pliocene-Quaternary
deposits of lower Don area: sections along coasts of Tsymla
Reservoir. In: Yu.B.Gladenkov (ed.) Geological events of Neogene and
Quaternary of Russia: modern stratigraphic schemes and paleogeographic
reconstructions. Geos, Moscow, pp. 43-53 (in Russian).
- Tesakov A.S. Recent discussions on the Neogene-Quaternary boundary. In:
Yu.B.Gladenkov (ed.) Geological events of Neogene and Quaternary of
Russia: modern stratigraphic schemes and paleogeographic
reconstructions. Geos, Moscow, pp. 90-95 (in Russian).
- Lebedev V.S., Bannikova A.A., Tesakov A.S., Abramson
N.I. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Alticola (Cricetidae, Rodentia): evidence
for parallel adaptive
Hystrix The Italian Journal of Mammology. Abstracts of the V European
Congress of Mammology. Siena, Italy. 21-26 September, 2007. Vol. 1:
p.15. Text.
- Kalthoff D., Mörs T., Tesakov A.S. Late Pleistocene small mammals from the
volcanoes (Neuwied Basin, western Germany) with remarks on the
stratigraphic range of Arvicola
terrestris. Geobios, 40, 5, pp. 609–623. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim E.A., Pevzner M.A. Arvicolid zonation of continental Pliocene deposits of East
Europe. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 259: 229 –
236. Abstract.
- Dodonov A.E., Sotnikova
M.V., Tesakov A.S. Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene bio-climatic units of south
in the context of Quaternary subdivision. Abstracts of the
INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia. Quaternary
International. 167–168, p. 100.
- Lebedev V.S.,
Bannikova A.A., Tesakov A.S., Abramson N.I. Molecular phylogeny of the genus Alticola (Cricetidae, Rodentia) as
inferred from the sequence of the
b gene. Zoologica Scripta, 36, 6, pp. 547-563. Abstract.
- Martin R.A., Tesakov A.S.,
Agusti J., Marcolini F. Preliminary
Examination of Select Arvicolid
Rodent Sequences: Recognizing Global and Regional
Patterns. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology, suppl. no. 3, 112A-113A. Abstract.
- Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S. Late Sarmatian Mammal Localities of the Eastern Paratethys:
Stratigraphic Position, Magnetochronology, and Correlation with the European Continental Scale. Stratigraphy. Geological
Correlation. vol. 16, no. 1, 92-103.
- Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S. Maeotian Mammalian Localities of Eastern Paratethys:
Magnetochronology and Position in European Continental Scales.
Stratigraphy. Geological Correlation. vol. 16, no. 4,
- Kirillova I.V., Tesakov
A.S. New mammalian elements of the Ice Age assemblage on the
Sakhalin Island. Mammal Study 33: 87–92. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim
E.A. Plio-Pleistocene mammalian biochronology
of Russia: theory and practice. Abstracts of the 33 International
Congress. Oslo, Norway. August 6-14, 2008. Text.
- Dodonov
A.E., Sotnikova M.V., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V. Shchelinski
V.E. Azovian Region in the system of Black Sea -
Mediterranean corridor
during Quaternary: Stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental aspects.
Abstracts of
the 33 International Geological Congress. Oslo, Norway. August 6-14,
2008. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Borodin A.V. Early
Pleistocene red-backed voles (Clethrionomys, Arvicolinae,
Rodentia) in lowlands of Western Siberia and East Europe. 11th
International Conference on Rodent Biology, Rodens et Spatium.
Myshkin Russia 24-28 July, 2008, p. 148.
- The Taman fauna type locality of Sinyaya Balka: new data on
geology and biostratigraphy. Early Paleolithic of Eurasia: new
discoveries. International Conference. Krasnodar – Temriuk,
1–6 September 2008, Rostov-on-Don. pp. 135-138. (Dodonov A.E.,
Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N.) Text.
- Paleomagnetism of bone-bearing deposits of the site Sinyaya
Balka/Bogatyri. Early Paleolithic of Eurasia: new discoveries.
International Conference. Krasnodar – Temriuk, 1–6
September 2008, Rostov-on-Don. pp. 138-139. (Dodonov A.E., Trubikhin
V.M., Tesakov A.S.) Text.
- Early Paleolithic sites on the Taman Peninsula (southern
Azov Sea
Region). Early Paleolithic of Eurasia: new discoveries. International
Conference. Krasnodar – Temriuk, 1–6 September 2008,
Rostov-on-Don. pp. 109-114. (Shchelinsky V.E., Dodonov A.E., Baigusheva
V.S., Kulakov S.A., Simakova A.N., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V.) Text.
- Pleistocene chronostratigraphy and paleogeography in the
south of
the East European plain, with particular reference to the loess-soil
formations studied in the eastern part of the Azov Sea Region. Early
Paleolithic of Eurasia: new discoveries. International Conference.
Krasnodar – Temriuk, 1–6 September 2008, Rostov-on-Don. pp.
187-188. (Velichko A.A., Morozova T.D., Timireva S.N., Nechaev V.P.,
Borisova O.K., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Semenov V.V., Kononov Yu.M.)
- Early Palaeolithic sites on the Taman Peninsula (Southern
Sea Region). International conference "The oldest human expansions in
Eurasia. Favouring and limiting factors", Muséum National
d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 26, 27, 28 novembre, 2008, p. 33.
(Shchelinsky V.E., Dodonov A.E., Baigusheva
V.S., Kulakov S.A., Simakova A.N., Tesakov
A.S., Titov V.V.).
- Early
Pleistocene mammalian fauna of Sarkel (Lower Don River area, Russia):
mole voles (Ellobiusini, Rodentia). Russian Journal of Theriology, vol.
7, no. 2, pp. 81-88. Text.
- Velichko A.A., Catto N.R., Kononov M.Y, Morozova T.D., Novenko E.Yu.,
Panin P.G., Ryskov G.Ya., Semenov V.V., Timireva S.N., Titov V.V. and
Tesakov A.S. 2009. Progressively cooler, drier interglacials in southern
Russia through
the Quaternary: Evidence from the Sea of Azov region. Quaternary
International, 198, 1-2. (Loess in the Danube Region and
Surrounding Loess Provinces: The Marsigli Memorial Volume). P. 204-219.
- Tesakov A.S., Geraads D. 2009. Mole
voles (Ellobiusini,
Arvicolinae) as markers of Early Pleistocen
Eurasian-African biotic connections. The Quaternary of southern Spain:
a bridge between Africa and the Alpine domain. Abstr. of 2009 annual
meeting SEQS. Sept. 28 - Oct. 3, 2009, Orce and Lucena, Spain. 2009. P.
52-53. Abstract.
- Abramson
N.I., Lebedev V.S., Tesakov A.S., Bannikova A.A. 2009. Supraspecies
relationships in the subfamily Arvicolinae
an unexpected result of nuclear gene analysis. Molecular Biology, Vol.
43, No. 5, 834-846. Abstract.
- Abramson
N.I., Lebedev
V.S., Bannikova A.A., Tesakov A.S. 2009. Radiation events in the subfamily Arvicolinae
(Rodentia): Evidence from nuclear genes. Doklady Biological
Sciences. V.428. N.1. P.458-461.
- Abramson N.I., Kostygov
A.Yu., Lebedev V.S., Tesakov A.S., Bannikova
A.A. 2009. Supraspecies
phylogenetic relationships in the subfamily Arvicolinae (voles
lemmings): nuclear versus mitochondrial genes. Could hard polytomies be
resolved? In: Modern achievements in population, evolutionary and
ecological genetics (MAPEEG – 2009). - Vladivostok. p. 8.
- Bannikova
A.A., Lebedev V.S., Lissovsky A.A, Matrosova V., Abramson N.I.,
E.V., Tesakov A.S. 2010. Molecular phylogeny and
evolution of the Asian lineage of vole genus Microtus (Rodentia:
Arvicolinae) inferredfrom
mitochondrial cytochrome b
sequence. Biological Journal of of the Linnean Society, 99,
595–613. Abstract.
- Shchelinsky V.E.,
Dodonov A.E., Baigusheva V.S., Kulakov S.A., Simakova A.N., Tesakov
A.S., Titov V.V. Early Palaeolithic sites on the Taman Peninsula (Southern
Azov Sea region, Russia): Bogatyri/Sinyaya Balka and Rodniki.
Quaternary International. V. 223-224, pp. 28-35. Abstract.
- Tesakov A.S. 2010. New small mammal faunas
of Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene from northern Caucasus and lower
Don area. In: V.V. Titov, A.S.Tesakov (Eds.) Quaternary
Stratigraphy and paleontology of the southern Russia. Volume of
abstracts. 2010 annual meeting of INQUA-SEQS. Rostov-on-Don, Russia,
June 21-26, 2010. p. 168. Text.
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A.S., Lebedev V.S., Bannikova A.A.,
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2011. The
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A.A., Morozova T.D., Borisova O.K., Timireva S.N., Semenov V.V.,
Kononov Yu.M., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S., Konstantinov E.A.,
Kurbanov R.N. 2012. Development of the Steppe Zone in Southern Russia
Based on the Reconstruction from the LoessSoil Formation in the
Don–Azov Region // Doklady Earth Sciences, 2012, Vol. 445, Part 2, pp.
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2012. Fossil mammals (paleotheriology). IX Congress of the Russian
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Moscow, 2011.P. 73-74. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Simakova A.N. 2013.
Quaternary interconnections in Eurasia: focus on Eastern Europe.
Quternary International. 284, P.1-2.
- Vangengeim E.A., Tesakov A.S. 2013. Late Miocene
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of Asia:
Neogene Biostratigraphy and Chronology, ed. X. Wang, L. J. Flynn,
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- Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S. 2013. Late Miocene (Turolian) vertebrate
of the southern European Russia. In
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Neogene Biostratigraphy and Chronology, ed. X. Wang, L. J. Flynn,
and M.
Fortelius. New York: Columbia University Press. P.536-543. Text.
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I., Tesakov A. 2013. Early and Middle Pleistocene of Northern Eurasia.
In: Elias S.A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, vol. 4,
pp. 605-614. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
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S., Göktaş F., Tesakov A.S., Kaya T., Titov V., Halaçlar H. 2013. A
New Middle Miocene Mammalian Fauna from Afyon-Gebeceler (Western
Turkey). 66th Geological Congress of Turkey, 1-5 April 2013, Ankara.
- Tesakov
A.S. 2013. Murids of the genus Hansdebruijnia
in Late Miocene of the
Peri-Black Sea. Neogene to Quaternary Geological Evolution of
Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea. RCMNS 14th Congress.
8-12 September 2013 Istambul, Turkey. p.134.
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V.V., Tesakov A.S., Syromyatnikova E.V., Simakova A.N., Sotnikova M.V.,
Frolov P.D. 2013. Late Miocene terrestrial biotic record in the
Northern Cuacasus. Neogene
to Quaternary Geological Evolution of
Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea. RCMNS 14th Congress.
8-12 September 2013 Istambul, Turkey. p.134.
- Syromyatnikova E.V., Danilov I.G., Titov V.V., Tesakov
A.S. New data on the Neogene turtles of European Russia. Neogene
to Quaternary Geological Evolution of
Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea. RCMNS 14th Congress.
8-12 September 2013 Istambul, Turkey. p.138.
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S.V., Filippova N.Yu., Golovina L.A., Goncharova I.A.,
Radionova E.P., Tesakov A.S., Trubikhin V.M. 2013.
Eastern Paratethys stratigraphic scale of Neogene: Correlation
possibilities. Neogene
to Quaternary Geological Evolution of
Mediterranean, Paratethys and Black Sea. RCMNS 14th Congress.
8-12 September 2013 Istambul, Turkey. p.73.
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V.S., Titov
V.V., Timonina G.I., Simakova A.N., Tesakov
A.S., J. van der Plicht. 2014. Mass burial of Late Pleistocene bisons
in the northeastern part of the Sea of Azov area (Port Katon, Rostov
Region). Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 454, Part 2, pp. 140–142.
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Trifonov, D.M. Bachmanov, A.N. Simakova, Ya.I. Trikhunkov, O. Ali, A.S.
Tesakov, E.V. Belyaeva, V.P. Lyubin, R.V. Veselovsky, A.-M. Al-Kafri.
Dating and correlation of the Quaternary fluvial terraces in Syria,
applied to tectonic deformation in the region. Quaternary
International, 2014. vol.328-329, pp. 74-93.
- Nikolskiy
P.A., Titov V.V., Tesakov A.S., Foronova I.V., Baygusheva V.S. 2014.
Early Biharian Archidiskodon meridionalis (Nesti, 1825) from Sarkel
(Lower Don area, southern European Russia) and associated small
mammals. Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece. VIth International Conference on Mammoths and
their Relatives, Grevena - Siatista. Special Volume 102. P. 142. Text.
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S., Titov V., Kaya T., Tesakov A., Halaclar K., Tan A., Alcicek M.C.,
Syromyatnikova E., Karakutuk S. Anancus in Turkey. Scientific Annals,
School of Geology, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece. VIth International Conference on Mammoths and
their Relatives, Grevena - Siatista. Special Volume 102. P.127-128.
- Tesakov A.S., Shik S.M., Velichko A.A., Lavrushin Yu.A., Yanina
T.A. 2014. New proposals on the Russian general stratigraphic scale of
the Quaternary. Bull. Komiss. Izuch. Chetv. per. no. 73, pp. 13-18. Text.
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Kurshakov S.V., Frolov P.D. 2014. Middle Pleistocene fauna of
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September 10–16, 2014). UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, pp. 15-17. Text.
Nikolskiy P.A., V.V. Titov, Tesakov A.S., Foronova I.V.,
Baygusheva V.S. Two early Biharian morphotypes of meridionaloid
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Sarkel (lower Don area, southern European Russia).The Quaternary of the
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September 10–16, 2014). UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg, pp. 108-110. Text.
- Trifonov V.G., Lyubin V.P., Belyaeva E.V., Lebedev V.A.,
Trikhunkov Ya.I., Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Veselovsky R.V.,
Latyshev A.V., Meliksetian Kh., Presnyakov S.L., Ivanova T.P.,
Ozhereliev D.V., Bachmanov D.M., Artyushkov S.E., Lyapunov S.M. 2014.
Early Pleistocene of north-west Armenia: stratigraphy, archaeology and
tectonics. The Quaternary of the Urals: global trends and Pan-European
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(Ekaterinburg, Russia, September 10–16, 2014). UrB RAS, Ekaterinburg,
pp. 170-172. Text.
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Simakova, V.G. Trifonov, V.P. Lyubin, E.V. Belyaeva, V.A. Lebedev,
Ya.I. Trikhunkov, A.S. Tesakov, R.V. Veselovsky, A.V. Latyshev, Kh.
Meliksetian, S.L. Presnyakov, T.P. Ivanova, D.V. Ozhereliev, D.M.
Bachmanov, S.E. Artyushkov, S.M. Lyapunov. Stratigraphy, Archeology,
and Tectonics of the Early Pleistocene in NW Armenia. 8th International
Symposium on Eastern Meditteranean Geology. 13-17 October, 2014. Mugla,
- Syromyatnikova E.V., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V. 2014. Amphibians
and squamate reptiles from the Late Miocene Morskaya 2 fauna (Russia).
74th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Estrel
Berlin, Germany. November 5 – 8, 2014. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology, Program and Abstracts, 2014, p. 238. Text.
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No. 3, P. 230–245. Text.
- Tesakov A.S., Lopatin A.S. 2015. First record of Mylagaulid
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(Olkhon Island, Baikal Lake, Irkutsk Region, Russia). Doklady
Biological Sciences, 2015, Vol. 460, pp. 23–26. Text.
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Miocene-Pliocene transitional mammalian fauna of Develi (Turkey). 61th
Annual Session of the Russian Paleontologica Society. April 13-17,
2015. Saint-Petersburg. Paleontological Society of the Russian Academy
of Sciences. pp. 182-183. Text.
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Ostende L.W. van den, Gardner J.D., van Bennekom L., Alçiçek
M.C., Murray A., Wesselingh F.P., Alçiçek H., Tesakov A. 2015.
Ericek, a new Pliocene vertebrate locality in the Çameli Basin
(southwestern Anatolia, Turkey). Palaeobiodiversity and
Palaeoenvironments. Vol.95, No.3, P. 305–320. Text.
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T., Tesakov A., Bell
C.J. 2015. First European Phenacomys (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) and an
integrated high-latitude Holarctic biota in the Early Pleistocene //
SVP 75th Annual Meeting. Program and Abstracts. Journal of Vertebrate
Paleontology, suppl. 2015, p. 229.
- Syromyatnikova E., Tesakov A., Titov V.
2015. Preliminary report on herpetofauna from the Solnechnodolsk
locality (late Miocene), Russia // SVP 75th Annual Meeting. Program
and Abstracts. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, suppl. 2015, p.
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Penkman K., Preece R., Parfitt S., Meijer T., Limondon-Lozouet N.,
Tesakov A. 2015. EQUATE
– Building a European Quatermary Aminostratigraphic Timescale //
5th Annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human
Evolution. 10–12 September 2015. Proceedings of the European
Society for the study of Human Evolution 4. London, United Kingdom.
p. 175.
- Zastrozhnov A., Danukalova G.,
Golovachev M., Tesakov A., Titov V., Simakova A., Aleksandrova G.,
Osipova E., Yakovlev A., Fomin V., Guzhikov A. Kosika locality: new
data – stratigraphy, paleontology,
paleomagnetism (North Caspian
Depression, Russia)
610 Proceedings
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Plenary Conference and Field Trip “From the Caspian to Mediterranean:
Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary”
22-30 September 2015, Astrakhan, Russia. Moscow:
MSU. 2015. P.197-201.
- Zastrozhnov A., Danukalova G.,
Golovachev M., Titov V., Tesakov A., Simakova A., Osipova E.,
Yakovlev A. Singil deposits in the Quaternary
sequence of the Lower Volga
area: new data and new constraints (Russia) // IGCP
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of the Third
Plenary Conference and Field Trip “From the Caspian to Mediterranean:
Environmental Change and Human Response during the Quaternary”
22-30 September 2015, Astrakhan, Russia. Moscow:
MSU. 2015. P.201-204.
Tesakov A.S. 2016. Early Middle
Pleistocene Ellobius (Rodentia,
Cricetidae, Arviclinae) from Armenia. Russian Journal of Theriology,
15, 2, 151-158. Text.
- Shchelinsky
V.E., Gurova M., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Frolov P.D., Simakova A.N.
2016. The Early Pleistocene site of Kermek in western Ciscaucasia
Russia): Stratigraphy, biotic record and lithic
industry (preliminary
results). Quaternary International, 393, P.51-69.
- Petrova T.V., Tesakov A.S., Kowalskaya Y.M.,
Abramson N.I. 2016. Cryptic speciation in the narrow-headed vole, Lasiopodomys (Stenocranius) gregalis,
(Rodentia: Cricetidae). Zoologica Scripta, 45, 6, P.618–629
- Kryštufek
B., Mahmoudi A., Tesakov A.S., Matějů J., Hutterer R. 2016. A review of
bristly ground squirrels Xerini and a generic revision in the African
genus Xerus. Mammalia, 2016, 80(5), P.521-540. (doi:
- Trifonov
V.G., Lyubin V.P., Belyaeva E.V., Lebedev V.A., Trikhunkov Ya.I,
Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Veselovsky R.V., Latyshev A.V.,
Presnyakov S.L., Ivanova T.P., Ozhereliev D.V., Bachmanov D.M.,
Lyapunov S.M. 2016. Stratigraphic
and tectonic settings of Early Paleolithic of North-West Armenia //
Quaternary International. Vol. 420. P. 178-198.
- Tesakov A.S. 2016. Early Pleistocene small mammals
of Eastern Europe and Western Aia: biochronology and biogeography. XIV
EAVP Meeting, 6-10 July, 2016, Haarlem, The Netherlands. P.48.
- Martin R.A., Tesakov A.S., Agustí J.
2016. A new arvicolid rodent from the Early Pleistocene of the Baza
Basin, southern Spain. XIV EAVP Meeting, 6-10
July, 2016, Haarlem, The Netherlands. P.50.
- van Kolfschoten T., Tesakov A.S.
2016. Early Pleistocene arvicolines from Zuurland (the Netherlands):
new insights into Holarctic biochronology and biogeography. XIV EAVP Meeting, 6-10 July, 2016, Haarlem, The Netherlands.
- Shalaeva E.A., Trifonov V.G., Lebedev V.A., Avagyan A.V.,
Sahakyan L.H., Simakova A.N., Kolesnichenko A.A., Frolov P.D., Tesakov A.S.,
Arakelyan D.G., Bachmanov D.M., Belyaeva E.V., Lyubin V.P.
2016. Quaternary geology and origin of the Shirak basin, NW Armenia.
Bridging Europe and Asia: Quaternary stratigraphy and Paleolithic human
occupation in Armenia and Southern Georgia. INQUA-SEQS workshop, 3-10
September, 2016. Institute of geological sciences, Armenian National
Academy of Sciences: Yerevan. P.19.
- Trifonov V.G., Ҫelik H.,
Ozherelyev D.V., Simakova A.N., Bachmanov D.M., Trikhunkov Ya.I.,
Frolov P.D., Tesakov A.S. 2016. Quaternary geology and
origin of the Shirak basin, NW
Armenia. Bridging Europe and Asia: Quaternary stratigraphy and
Paleolithic human occupation in Armenia and Southern Georgia.
INQUA-SEQS workshop, 3-10 September, 2016. Institute of geological
sciences, Armenian National Academy of Sciences: Yerevan. P.16.
- Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Simakova
A.N., Frolov P.D., Syromyatnikova E.V., Kurshakov S.V., Volkova N.V.,
Trikhunkov Ya.I., Sotnikova M.V., Kruskop S.V., Zelenkov N.V.,
Tesakova E.M., Palatov D.M. Late Miocene
(early Turolian) vertebrate faunas and
associated biotic record of the Northern Caucasus: geology, taxonomy,
paleoenvironment, biochronology // Fossil Imprint. 2017. Vol.73.
No.3-4, 383-444. Link
- Trifonov V.G., Shalaeva E. A., Saakya
L.Kh., Bachmanov D.M., Lebedev V.A., Trikhunkov Ya.I., Simakova A.N.,
Avagyan A.V., Tesakov A.S., Frolov P.D. Lyubin V.P., Belyaeva E.V.,
Latyshev A.V., Ozherelyev D.V., Kolesnichenko A.A. 2017. Quaternary
Tectonics of Recent Basins in Northwestern Armenia. Geotectonics,
Vol. 51, No. 5, P. 499–519.
- Alçiçek H., Wesselingh F.P., Alçiçek
M.C., Jiménez-Moreno G., Feijen F.J., Hoek
Ostende L.W. van den, Mayda S., Tesakov A.S. A multiproxy study of the
early Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions of
an anastomosed fluvial sequence from the Çameli Basin (SW Anatolia,
Turkey). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,V. 467, P.
- M. Cihat Alçiçek, Lars W. van den Hoek Ostende, Gercek
Alexey S. Tesakov, Alison M. Murray, H. Yavuz Hakyemez,
Fikret Göktaş, Serdar Mayda, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Yesim
Büyükmeriç, Frank P. Wesselingh, Hülya Alçiçek. Comment on “Miocene to
Quaternary tectonostratigraphic evolution of the middle section of the
Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, south-western Turkey: Implications for the
wide inter-plate shear
zones. Tectonophysics 690, 336-354” by İ. Elitez & C. Yaltırak.
Tectonophysics. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.05.027
- Trifonov V., Ozherelyev D., Tesakov A., Simakova A. 2017.
Environmental and geodynamic settings of migration of the earliest
hominine to the Arabian-Caucasus region. In:International Conference
INQUA–SEQS 2017, (Tautavel, France, September 10–15, 2017). Tautavel –
Ufa, P. 24.
- Shalaeva E.A., Trifonov V.G., Avagyan A.V., Sahakyan L.H.,
Simakova A.N., Trikhunkov Y.I., Frolov P.D., Sokolov S.A., Tesakov
A.S., Lebedev V.A., Titov V.V., Belyaeva E.V. 2017. In: Quaternary
stratigraphy and hominids around Europe: Tautavel (Eastern Pyrenees).
In:International Conference INQUA–SEQS 2017, (Tautavel, France,
September 10–15, 2017). Tautavel – Ufa, P.54.
- Yanina T.A., Borisova O.K., Morozova T.D., Wesselingh F.P.,
Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Baigusheva V.S., Timireva S.N., Simakova
A.N., Semyenov V.V., Konstantinov E.A., Frolov P.D., Lychagin M.Yu.,
Kononov Yu.M. Where East meets West: Pontocaspia, the historical
dimension of the evolution of a unique biodiversity. 2017. Guidebook of
excursions of the International Youth School-Conference (Russia,
Rostov-on-Don, Kagal’nik, Astrakhan’, August 21 – September 02, 2017).
Rostov-on-Don, Southern Scientific Centre RAS, 77 pp.
- Kostopoulos D.S., Konidaris G., Tesakov A., van den Hoek Ostende
L.W., Rook L. 2018. European Early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology
based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses.
Comptes Rendus Palevol, Vol.17. No.4-5. P.239-245.
- Martin R.A., Tesakov A., Agustí A., Johnston K. 2018. Orcemys, a
new genus of arvicolid rodent from the early Pleistocene of the
Guadix–Baza Basin, southern Spain. Comptes Rendus Palevol, Vol.17.
No.4-5. P.310-319.
- Thijs van Kolfschoten T., Tesakov A.S., Bell C.J. 2018. The first
record of Phenacomys (Mammalia, Rodentia, Cricetidae) in
Europe (early Pleistocene, Zuurland, The Netherlands). Quaternary
Science Reviews. Vol.192. P.274-281.
- Alçiçek M.C., van den Hoek Ostende L. W., Saraç G., Tesakov A.
S., Murray A.M., Hakyemez H.Y., Göktaş F., Mayda S., Jiménez-Moreno G.,
Büyükmeriç Y., Wesselingh F.P., Alçiçek H. 2018. Comment on “Miocene to
Quaternary tectonostratigraphic evolution of the middle section of the
Burdur-Fethiye Shear Zone, south-western Turkey: Implications for the
wide inter-plate shear zones. Tectonophysics 690, 336–354.”
Tectonophysics, 722, 595–600.
- Trifonov V.G., Ҫelik H., Simakova A.N., Bachmanov D.M., Frolov
P.D., Trikhunkov Y.I., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Lebedev V.A.,
Ozherelyev D.V., Latyshev A.V., Sychevskaya E.K. 2018. Pliocene – Early
Pleistocene history of the Euphrates valley applied to Late Cenozoic
environment of the northern Arabian Plate and its surrounding, eastern
Turkey. Quaternary International. 493, 137-165. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2018.06.009.
- Zastrozhnov A.S., Danukalova G.A., Golovachev M.V., Titov V.V.,
Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Osipova E.M., Trofimova S.S., Zynoviev
E.V., Kurmanov R.G. Singil Deposits in the Quaternary Scheme of the
Lower Volga Region: New Data. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation,
2018, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 647–685. doi:10.1134/S0869593818060060.
- Rausch L., Alçiçek H., Vialet A., Boulbes N., Mayda S., Titov
V.V., Stoica M., Charbonier S., Büyükmeriç Y., Abels H., Tesakov A.S.,
Moigne A.-M., Andrieu-Ponel V., Wesselingh F., Alçiçek M.C. 2018. Homo
erectus paleoenvironments in the early Pleistocene Denizli Basin: an
integrated paleontological, sedimentological and geochemical approach.
PRIDE-RCMNS conference, 26-29 August 2018. Georgian National Museum,
Tbilisi. P.27.
- Titov
V.V., Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Frolov P.D., Borisova
O.K., Panin P.G., Timireva S.N., Konov Yu.M., Syromyatnikova E.V. 2018.
Key sections of Pleistocene continental deposits from North-Eastern Sea
of Azov region. In: Nadja Zupan Hajna, Andrej Mihevc, Magda Aljančič
(Eds.), Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst and Cave Sediments: program,
abstracts & guide book. Ljubljana: ZRC Publishing, P.74-75.
- Trifonov V.G., Simakova A.N., Ҫelik H., Shalaeva E.A.,
Aleksandrova G.N., Trikhunkov Ya.I., Frolov P.D., Zelenin E.A., Tesakov
A.S., Bachmanov D.M., Latyshev A.V., Sokolov S.A. 2018. Brackish-water
Caspian-type Upper Pliocene deposits in the western Shirak Basin (NE
Turkey), applied to estimation of the Quaternary uplift of the Lesser
Caucasus. In: Nadja Zupan Hajna, Andrej Mihevc, Magda Aljančič (Eds.),
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Karst and Cave Sediments: program,
abstracts & guide book. Ljubljana: ZRC Publishing, P.78-79.
- Shchelinsky V.E., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Frolov P.D. 2018. The Early Paleolithic industries with large cutting tools
on the Taman peninsula (Azov-Black Sea region, Russia): age,
representative forms of tools // 18th UISPP world congress, Paris, June
4-9, 2018. P.173-174.
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E.K., Syromyatnikova, E.V., Foronova, I.V., Shalaeva, E.A., Trifonov,
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V.S., Rusin M.Y., Zemlemerova E.D., Matrosova V.A., Bannokova A.A.,
Kovalskaya Y.M., Tesakov A.S. 2019. Phylogeny and evolutionary
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- Shalaeva E.A., Trifonov V.G., Lebedev V.A., Simakova A.N.,
Avagyan A.V., Sahakyan L.H., Arakelyan D.G., Sokolov S.A., Bachmanov
D.M., Kolesnichenko A.A., Latyshev A.V., Belyaeva E.V., Lyubin V.P.,
Frolov P.D., Tesakov A.S., Sychevskaya E.K., Kovalyova G.V.,
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of the Shirak Basin, NW Armenia. Quaternary International. 509, P.41-61.
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Jiménez-Moreno, Yeşim Büyükmeriç, Frank P. Wesselingh, Johannes M.
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YaI., Bachmanov D.M., Tesakov A.S., Titov V.V., Lomov V.S., Sokolov
S.A., Latyshev A.V., Simakova A.N., Syromyatnikova E.V., Çelik H.,
Shchelinsky V.E., Frolov P.D., Shalaeva E.A., Nikolskaya P.P. Upper
Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene Upper Molasse Belorechensk Formation of
Western Ciscaucasia in Context of Regional Neotectonics and
Paleogeography. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 2024, Vol. 32,
pp. 348–343.
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Ranjan P., Çelik H., Trifonov V. 2024. Plio-Pleistocene Small Mammal-Based
Biochronology of Eastern Anatolia and Transcaucasus. Quaternary,
7, 42, 1–11. Link
- Trifonov V.G., Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Gaydalenok O.V.,
Frolov P.D., Bylinskaya M.E., Trikhunkov Ya.I., Bachmanov D.M., Ҫelik
H., Hessami K. 2024. Geological and biotic context of the
Plio-Pleistocene evolution of the Caucasus-Caspian Region (Akchagylian
transgression). Quaternary International, 686-687, 120-141.
- Trifonov V.G., Tesakov A.S., Simakova A.N., Çelik, H., Frolov,
P.D., Bachmanov, D.M., Trikhunkov Ya.I. 2024. Comparison of neotectonic
intermontane basins of northern Armenia and Eastern Turkey.
Geotectonics, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 344–367.
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locality (Crimea, Pleistocene): systematic composition and
biochronology. Doklady Earth Sciences, 1–6.
- Tesakov A.S., Ivanova A.V., Bondarev A.A., Sizov A.V., Yakimova A.A., Trofimova S.S., Frolov P.D., Kurshakov
S.V., Dorogov A.L., Sorokin A.D. 2024. Early Pliocene biotic locality Novaya Livenka in south of Western Siberia
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data on the distribution of the genus Apscheronia in the Euxinian
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Geological Society, Belgrade, p.16.
- Sizov A.V., Sotnikova M.V., Sokolov S.A., Yakimova A.A., Tesakov
A.S., Vislobokova I.A., Zelenkov N.V., Simakova A.N., Yushin K.I.,
Batsaikhan Ts. 2024. A New Perspective on the Age and Geological
Structure of the Neogene Vertebrate Locality Khyargas Nuur 2
(Northwestern Mongolia) // Geodynamics & Tectonophysics 15 (6),
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biostratigraphy / Elias, S. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science,
3rd Edition. Vol. 5. London: Elsevier. P.718–727.
| Russian version
| Abstracts | Geological
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Alexey S. Tesakov
Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pyzhevsky 7, 119017, Moscow, Russia
phone +7 495 959-2768, +7 495 959-2768
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Last updated: December 23, 2024