Tesakov A.S. 1998.Voles of the Tegelen fauna, Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 60, pp. 71-134.

Abstract. The rich small mammal assemblage of the Tegelen Egypte locality is revised. The following species are recognized (the frequency of remains is given in brackets): Mimomys pliocaenicus (10.9%), M. reidi (17.4%), M. tigliensis n. sp. (38.3%), M. pitymyoides (0.1%), Clethrionomys kretzoii (20.1%) and Ungaromys dehmi (13.2%). Mimomys pitymyoides is recognized in the fauna for the first time. The genus name, Pitymimomys, is proposed for the 'Mimomys pitymyoides' group. Mimomys tigliensis sp. nov. is considered to be the ancestral form of M. tornensis. The new species is less hypsodont and smaller than M. tornensis. The vole association is thought to represent humid forest and riparian biotopes of the late Tiglian. The Tegelen fauna is of late Villanyian age and predates the terminal Villanyian assemblage with Mimomys ostramosensis-Mimomys tornensis.

van Kolfschoten T. & Tesakov A.S. 1998 The early Pleistocene Mimomys hordijki sp. nov. from the Zuurland borehole (The Netherlands). Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 63, pp. 187-192.

Abstract. A new aberrant species of the genus Mimomys is described from the late Pliocene deposits of the Zuurland borehole. The new species, Mimomys hordijki is characterised by thick, almost undifferentiated enamel, a prominent Mimomys-ridge, an advanced stage of hypsodonty and high dentine tracts also on the Mimomys-ridge.

Kazantseva N.E. & Tesakov A.S. 1998. Evolution of Plio-Pleistocene voles with the special reference to to demographic features of fossil assemblages. Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, 60, 555-564.

Abstract. Evolution of the numerous rooted vole lineages in the Plio-Pleistocene gives dear examples of rapid dental changes in the direction of hypsodonty. The relationships between the morphological stages of the molar roots development and the demographic features of vole population have been studied on the basis of several samples of fossil voles and the analysis of modern neontological literature. Young individuals from the beginning of the first to the third month are among the most numerous and vulnerable to environmental influences. The remains of voles of this age dominate in fossil assemblages. Based on this conclusion, the formation of the root system in the ontogenesis of several vole species has been investigated. The following 3 major groups were distinguished according to the ontogenic timing of root formation: in Group A roots are formed among voles of juvenile-adolescent age; in Group B roots are formed among subadult voles; in Group C the root formation occurs among adults.

Martin R.A. & Tesakov A.S.. 1998 Introductory remarks: Does Allophaiomys exist? Paludicola, vol.2, no.1, pp. 1-7, 1998.

Abstract. We introduce this issue of Paludicola as a volume dedicated to the systematics and evolution of "Allophaiomys" a set of species representing the early phases of diversification of Microtus-like taxa. Some background infoimation is provided and then we speculate, presenting two conflicting arguments, on the existence and nomenclatorial integrity of "Allophaiomys" considered as a new construct here defined as a metaregion. Metaregions, or ancestral taxa defined by a set of symplesiomorphies relative to their descendants, are viewed as genetically constrained developmental conduits and deserve investigation. However, their recognition as formal supraspecific taxonomic entities is precluded because of their polyphyletic condition, despite the interesting paradox that they represented a homogeneous and probably sibling set of species during their existence. We recommend that the use of Allophaiomys be discontinued.

Tesakov A.S. 1998 Early stage of Allophaiomys evolution in eastern Europe. Paludicola, vol.2, no.1, pp. 98-105.

Abstract. The first Allophaiomys appeared in the south of Eastern Europe witfain advanced Borsodia -Mimomys associations of the Odessa small mammal complex. In the oldest faunas Allophaiomys is associated with dominant and extremely hypsodont Lagurini with rooted molars, Borsodia, and then with the first lagurines with rootless molais. These associations are correlated with latest Villanyian- earliest Biharian faunas of Central Europe. Two samples were studied in detail. These are Allophaiomys from Klyzhanovka 4 (Odessa area, the Ukraine), and Tizdar (Taman Peninsula, Russia).

The earliest known Allophaiomys of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov area are characterized by: I, Slightly negative "Mimomys") pattern of enamel thickness differentiation. The thickness was measured along leading and trailing edges of "basic triangles" (TI-T2-T3) in lower molars and in upper MI, in T2-T3 of M2, aid in T2-T3-T4 ofM3. BTQ values were calculated according to a standard technique. Values for upper molars turned out to t)e slightly more "Mimomys " than those in lower molars. BTQ for ml is 116.7, n=27 (Tizdar), and 110.3, n=24 (Kryzhanovka4). 2, Pachytaiem shmeizmuster. Trailing edges of triangles are thicker than the leading ones because of a presence of well-developed layer of tangential enamel. 3, Relatively short and simple anteroconid of ml and posterior loop ofM3. 4, TI-T2, and especially T3-T4 are confluent in m2-m3.

Early Allophaiomys from the Black Sea and Sea of Azov area are distinct from A.pliocaenicus in lower A/L index, and in negatively differentiated enamel. They are different from A.deucalion in Iligher frequency of "hook-like" morphotypes of posterior loop in M3.

Pevzner M.A., Tesakov A.S., Vangengeim E.A. The position of the Tizdar Locality (Taman Peninsula, Russia) in the magnetochronological scale. Paludicola, vol.2, no.1, pp. 95-97.

Abstract. The Tizdar and Kryzhanovka 4 localities were formed during pre-Olduvai time. The lower age limit for these localities is restricted by the age of the Psekups locality of the North Caucasus. Allophaiomys appears in Eastern Europe between 2.25 and 1.96 Ma.

Averianov A. O., Tesakov A.S. 1998. The Lagomorpha (Mammalia) from the Early Pliocene Kosyakino Locality of the Northern Caucasus. Paleonotological Journal. Vol. 32, No. 3.

Abstract. The lagomorph fauna from the Kosyakino locality (Stavropol Region; Early Pliocene, Zone MN 14) includes Ochotona cf. antiqua Argyropulo et Pidoplitshko, 1939, Prolagus caucasicus sp. nov., and Hypolagus cf. igromovi Gureev, 1964. This assemblage differs from all known lagomorph associations from the Turolian and Ruscinian of Eastern Europe by the prevalence of Ochotona and Prolagus.

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