Laboratory of Quaternary Stratigraphy |
The main fields of
1. Elaboration of the detailed stratigraphic scale of the continental deposits of late Neogene and Quaternary (based on fossil mammals, palynology, mollusks). |
2. Elaboration of the marine stratigraphic scale based on various groups of micro- and macrofauna (foraminifers, nannoplankton, mollusks). |
3. Correlation of biotic and abiotic events in different landscape and climatic zones. |
Vangengeim (1930-2012) Biostratigraphy and evolution of mammalian complexes of Neogene and Quaternary of Palearctic. vangengeim(a) |
Vladimir S. Zazhigin, senior researcher Small mammals of Late Cenozoic. West Siberia, Central Asia, North-Eastern Siberia. zazhvol(a) |
Marina Sotnikova, leading researcher Carnivorous mammals of Plio-Pleistocene of Palearctic. sotnik(a), sotnikmarina(a) |
Larisa Golovina, leading researcher Late Neogene and Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton and stratigraphy of Eastern Paratethys, Mediterranean, and the World Ocean. golovinal(a) |
Marina Bylinskaya, senior researcher
Neogene-Quaternary foraminifers and biostratigraphy of the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Seas. marina.012(a), bylinskaya(a) |
Alexander Basilyan,
researcher Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy and marine mollusks of the Far East and Siberian Arctic. alexandr.basilyan(a) |
Alexandra Simakova, leading researcher Neogene and Quaternary palynology of Europe and Asia, palynology of Late Glacial and Holocene of Europe. simakova(a), simak2001(a) |
Alexey Tesakov, head
of the laboratory, Neogene and Quaternary small mammals of Eastern Europe. tesak(a) |
Pavel Nikolsky, leading researcher Biostratigraphy and Quaternary large mammals of the Arctic Siberia and Beringia. Fossil moose. cervalces(a) wberingia(a) |
Pavel Frolov, senior researcher Plio-Pleistocene fresh- and brakishwater molluscs of Eastern Europe. pavlentiy987(a) |
Nikolay Orlov, chief technician, curator of osteological collection; Mio-Pliocene pinnepedia of Eastern Europe orlovpaleo(a) |
Polina Nikolskaya, junior researcher, Carnivora, Pleistocene, Eurasia horse_97(a) | |
Pranav Banshidhar Ranjan, PhD student, proboscidean mammals of the Plio-Pleistocene of Eastern Europe and Hindustan pranavranjan42(a) |
Albina Yakimova, junior researcher, small mammals, Pleistocene, Eurasia albinchik.yakimova(a) |
Alexander Sizov, senior resarcher, mammals and geology of continental deposits of the Late Cenozoic of Eurasia geology and fauna of the Phanerozoic of Central Asia alx.sizov(a) |
Alexandra Ivanova, junior researcher, palynology of Late Cenozoic of Northern Eurasia alexandra.ivanova(a) |
Arina Dmitrievna Nicolaeva, junior researcher, ostracods of Late Cenozoic of Northern Eurasia ari_99_nik(a) |
Laboratory of the Quaternary Stratigraphy, Pyzhevsky 7, 119017, Moscow Russia. phone: +7 495 953-60-75